Join us as we come together as a community to support children who are neglected or abused.
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Our programs provide quality court-based advocacy for abused and neglected children. See how you can help.
Join us for an Information Session or Continuing Education Opportunity!
Presented by Greater Richmond SCAN Community Programs
Resilience is a one-hour documentary that delves into the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the birth of a new movement to treat and prevent toxic stress.
CE Hours: 1.5
Learn the importance of community support in strengthening families. Learn how to recognize the signs of child abuse. Learns the different types of child abuse, and learn how to make a report
This training is for professionals who are mandated reporters in the fields of Health, Mental Health, Education, Social Services, Justice, Law Enforcement, Faith-Based agencies, and Childcare. Participants will learn how to recognize, respond to and report child abuse. We will also discuss the role of community support in prevention and strengthening families! Live Spanish Interpretation available. This training fulfills your Mandated Reporter Training Requirement for CASA.
CE Hours: 3
Human trafficking is a horrible crime impacting young people in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Many do not receive help because they are misidentified or not recognized at all. This course will equip participants with an understanding of the psychological and social dynamics, life events, and contributing factors that can lead to the sexual exploitation of a child. Participants will learn how to recognize risks and warning signs associated with young people in out-of-home care and how to implement the critical first steps in reducing their vulnerability.
RSVP to Janet@casaofventuracounty.org or call 805.389.3120.
CE Hours: 2
Presented by Greater Richmond SCAN Community Programs
This training explores development milestones of early childhood, shares ways to build and strengthen connections between caregivers and young children, and provides strategies for addressing challenges such as temper tantrums and big behaviors typical for this age group.
CE Hours: 1.5

Our office is open daily by appointment.
Please call (805) 389-3120 or email info@casaofventuracounty.org to schedule a time to come in.
If you are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms, please do not come to the office.
Special Thanks
CASA of Ventura County is grateful for the support of the Margie & Robert E. Peterson Foundation and the Rick & Marcie Sexauer Foundation.