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Volunteer Application Process

Volunteer Application Process

  1. Review the requirements for becoming a CASA volunteer in our Volunteer Job Description and Responsibilities Checklist.
  2. Review the FAQs.
  3. Attend a mandatory information session to learn more about CASA. See dates and RSVP here.
  4. Fill out this form to receive your inquiry packet.
  5. Complete your volunteer application (a link sent to you after you attend an information session), online.
  6. Participate in an in-person interview at the CASA office.
  7. Upon your successful interview, CASA of Ventura County will run a thorough screening process, including background checks and references. This step may take up to 3 weeks to complete. (*Please note: steps 5-7 must be completed and accepted two weeks before your training course begins.)
  8. Attend and successfully complete our 40-hour pre-service training program. See training course dates here.
  9. Be sworn in by a dependency court judge as a volunteer officer of the court.
  10. Be matched with a child and paired with an advocate supervisor!


Please contact us at (805) 389-3120 or with any questions!