CE: How Do Your Children Grow - Toddlers & Preschoolers
Presenter: Carol Howell
Preschoolers aren't babies anymore. They are curious explorers, full of energy, great imitators, little scientists, imaginative thinkers, full of language and building their sense of self. Even though preschoolers are on a quest for independence they still need to learn limits and how to live within the family structure. Come and learn about the many milestones and this vitally essential time during your little one's development.
Carol Howell has a degree in Marriage and Family Relation and Child Development. She has taught numerous Child and Infant Development classes and served as an adjunct faculty for CSUN and Moorpark College
Please RSVP to Rhonda Carlson at rcarlson@vcccd.edu
Sponsor: Ventura College FKCE
CE Hours: 2