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CASA Calendar

In-Service CE: Attachment

Thursday, October 18, 2018
6:00 pm CDT8:00 pm CDT
CASA of Ventura County

Presenter: Sheila Harmon
Join us for this in-service about Attachment.
The participants expected outcomes are to:
1. Define attachment and a primary attachment figure.
2. Describe 3 stages of behavior when attachment is disrupted.
3. Describe 4 attachment patterns and reunion responses associated with them.
4. Define an internal working model of attachment.
5. Understand how the ability to explore and the fear response is related to attachment.
6. Understand why after abuse occurs children continue to seek their abusive parents.
Sheila Harmon is a California State Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and is certified in Infant, Toddler and Family Mental Health. Building quality family relationships is an important part of her practice. She also has a Doctorate in Education. Her teaching experience includes both conventional and special education classrooms. She has teaching credentials for preschool, kindergarten, grades 1-12, severely handicapped, physically handicapped, learning handicapped, resource specialist and adult classes.
These experiences as a therapist and a teacher have integrated to create a perspective that incorporates both educational and psychological skills.
RSVP to Janet at or call 805-389-3120.
CE Hours: 2