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CASA Calendar

Fostering Futures: How to Make Postsecondary Education Affordable for California's Foster Youth

Tuesday, March 7, 2023
9:30 am11:00 am

College affordability is cited as the number one barrier to college completion among foster youth, with only 10% obtaining a college degree by the age of 23. New, groundbreaking research to be released shortly from the Urban Institute sheds light on how severe the affordability crisis is for foster youth, how the experience of these students differs from that of their peers, and whether additional financial aid can have a measurable impact on degree completion (spoiler alert – it does!).

A new bill from Senator Angelique V. Ashby and Senator Mark McGuire, Senate Bill 307, holds the promise of filling the gaps that foster youth face and dramatically improving education outcomes for students with experience in foster care.

This webinar will feature John Burton Advocates for Youth, the Urban Institute and Senator Angelique Ashby and will help you to better understand not only the challenges that exist, but also how you can be part of the solution.