Four Common Trauma Responses (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn)
Presented by Foster and Kinship Care Education
Instructor: Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage
As much as we'd want to protect our youth from all trauma, it can be inevitable, especially for our youth coming from foster care. These negative experiences can lead to complexities of trauma and trauma responses. Build your knowledge and depth on the 4 common trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze, and fawn), and the dangers that accompany them. Learn how to engage and respond to each one in a healthy manner. From this training, you will have the ability and knowledge needed to model healthy bonding with your child; a bond that steps away from the negative effects of trauma bonding.
Your Instructor: Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage is a Parent Coach Consultant with Parenting Matters & an Early Childhood Specialist. She holds a Doctorate in Elementary Education, and with that, has brought educational trainings to foster and adoptive parents for over 30 years!
CE Hours: 2.5