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CASA Calendar

The Importance of Play

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
6:00 pm8:00 pm

Presented by Foster and Kinship Care Education
Instructor: Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage
Come back to the heart of play in the age of technology! Recognize all the true potential that's lost in the confinement of technological distractions. Then, discover the benefits that different forms of play bring to a child's development through their years of growth. This includes ideas you can introduce and take part in, whether its outdoor or indoor play. Build the foundation of benefits that come from play!
Your Instructor: Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage is a Parent Coach Consultant with Parenting Matters & an Early Childhood Specialist. She holds a Doctorate in Elementary Education, and with that, has brought educational trainings to foster and adoptive parents for over 30 years!

CE Hours: 2