Advocating in the Classroom for Children in Foster Care
Presented by Foster & Kinship Care Education Program
Instructor: Judy Sullivan Osterhage
Join us for this daytime "power hour" to change get tips to support your child in foster care at school.
Specifically, Dr. Judy will highlight:
Trauma's impact on school success
Helping schools understand unique relationships related to foster care
Being an advocate in daily classroom routines
How to avoid triggers for our kids in school
Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage is a Parent Coach Consultant with Parenting Matters & an Early Childhood Specialist. She holds a Doctorate in Elementary Education, and with that, has brought educational trainings to foster and adoptive parents for over 30 years!
CE Hours: 1
Our office is open daily by appointment.
Please call (805) 389-3120 or email to schedule a time to come in.
If you are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms, please do not come to the office.
Special Thanks
CASA of Ventura County is grateful for the support of the Margie & Robert E. Peterson Foundation and the Rick & Marcie Sexauer Foundation.